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What the Future of Digital Marketing Holds

Year 2021, authoritative industry studies have predicted that 75% of the marketing budget will go to digital marketing.

Google and Facebook, the unparalleled digital marketing duo, already earn more than the rest of the world’s newspaper, magazine, and radio network combined.

The attention span of the population is continually decreasing whilst the internet and electronic communication device usage is drastically increasing.

All of these facts are definitely trying to tell you something and its important that you pay close attention to it.

Top ways in which the market is changing:

1)It is predicted that video will outperform all advertisement outlets by 2021, videos will constitute 82% of the consumer internet traffic.

2)The average consumer attention span is 8 seconds, this is a crucial time period as you will have only 8 seconds to get your web pages loaded in time and capture the customer’s attention with something enthralling. The contents should be tailored accordingly and everything about the loading time, speed and space must be properly evaluated.

3) Influencer marketing – Marketing is done by the so-called “Social media influencers” is a one-billion-dollar industry on Instagram and the market share is expected to increase. Who would have thought that social media will play such a big role in marketing and advertising, right?

4)The consumer’s taste for lengthy content, no matter how well written it is, has died and no one goes anywhere for only the content. Your content is preferred only when they are combined with rich images. It is analyzed that content with relevant images gets 94% more views.

5)In a study conducted to find the platform with the most engagement post clicks Youtube came across as the undisputed winner, other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook failed by a large margin. Also, YouTube’s 1.5 billion users account for one-third of all people on the internet.

6)Gone are the days when people would love to read to learn about new things and their manuals but a recent study by Animoto showed that 4 out of 5 people think that a video demonstration of any product is very important and 4 times more people prefer a video to an article about anything.
With so much happening in the marketing industry, with digital marketing taking over everything by storm, we would be so naïve to ignore it or be inactive about it. The fact about the attention span of the millennials makes it clear that to survive the digital marketing era, you should be creative, aesthetic, quick, relevant and technically sound apart from producing useful and cutting-edge products and services.
Watch out for the disruption, take help from professionals, implement new technologies and adapt to the changes. Yes, that’s how you do business in the future.








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