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SEO Implementation and SMO Web Page Activities

Its important that you stay alert, updated and learn continuously about the up comings in this SEO category.

SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization’. It’s the process of making changes in your website design and optimizing it such that the it appears in the top of search engines like google, bing and yahoo. SEO has gone through a series of evolutions throughout the years. It’s a time intensive strategy  and it demands significant attention. It is a fast paced, dynamic field and can be frustrating at times when you are relying on the outdated tactics. 


Content of your website is one of the most important factor to pull your customers and to stand out unique from the queue. Yet a lot of marketers fail to get their content right. long gone are those days when the websites used to publish a 400 word post on their post and earn rankings. It takes a great piece of content to stand out from the crowd. It can include memes or vector art or something unique. One of the most loved creation is the amul butter girl which comes along with quirky and witty quotes.


This is an important task before you step into content creation for your website. Use google keyword planner or Moz’s keyword explorer to explore the best seo keywords that are being searched by customers all over the world. once you are done with this come to a conclusion by forming all those words as your base search keywords. Take your own time , look exclusively for the keywords that could lead to your website and decide accordingly. Always opt for shorter and structured keywords than going for complex and the less preferred ones. While selecting for the website URLs make the URL in such a way that its user friendly rather than the long and complex ones.

The URL should be brief including all the keywords. Studies suggest that shorter URLs are better ranked than the long and unstructured ones.


Studies suggest that the image and the video content has a better positive ranking than the ones with written details. It is said that a video posted on the website increases the dwell time of users by 80%. Also using images an videos makes content easier to be understood in and short enough for all the information to be consumed. It also allows the content to be visualized and taken more by the users. The dwell time refers to the time spent by a customer on the website that he is surfing before returning to the home page. Make sure that your webpage is fully optimized with attractive images that are filled with witty quotes and leave a impression on the users and embed videos from sites like youtube onto your website.


This is also one of the factors to be considered while developing a website. Make sure that your website has images that are well optimized for quick loading of the page contents. Else you might lose your customers as high time consumption on page loading might lead to frustration and they may end up leaving your website to surf other websites. Use tool like –Google’s Page speed insights and GT metrix to see your page speed and looks for methods to improve them.


Its difficult to gather a large number of views on your website by organic search results alone. By including the share button for users it helps them to share the content of the page with their close network and gets you more number of views. It helps you to maximise the exposure on your page. Make sure to use social media hashtags that can be used on twitter and facebook. Make sure you include the correct tags that let only your page to be viewed else the users might end up being summoned on to some other page where the wrong image shows up on social shares.

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